Skoolify is an advanced education application designed to streamline & enhance the management of schools & educational institutions. With a comprehensive suite of features, this app offers seamless solutions for attendance tracking, communication, homework management, and fee collection, all accessible from a unified platform.
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Events & Calendars
Push Notifications
Circulars & Invites
Personalized Messages
Parental Consents
Effortless Online Payments
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Events & Calendars
Get convenient access to a single, student-wise hub that compiles all events and activities, for the child, beyond the classroom hours, designed to keep extracurricular activities, and school events, well organized in our education application.

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Push Notifications
Using push notifications, parents stay updated on real-time attendance, grades, and behavior, fostering active engagement in their child’s education, growth, and well-being.

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Circulars & Invites
Stay updated on essential information about children, such as announcements, event invitations, and reminders, ensuring prompt communication, higher participation, and superior organization within the school community.

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Personalized Messages
Receive targeted messages for a specific child, based on their class performance, and/or any issues that require a parents special attention.

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Parental Consents
Effortlessly grant or withhold consent, and share specific conditions the school should be aware of, for events, outings, or field trips involving your child.

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Effortless Online Payments
Enjoy the ultimate convenience for busy parents: the ability to pay fees through the app, whenever it suits them best. Minimize hassle, reduce stress, and ensure completely secure, and immediate online fee payments, transforming the payment process for both the institution and the parent.